Powerful 10 Day cleanse.........I do this spring and fall!!
Your shopping list: Your choice of ten day worth of the following
- Crucifers: cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, or broccoli sprouts
- ½ cup cooked or raw, the size of a small fist at least once a day
Cruciferous veggies stimulate the phase 1 and phase 2 of the detox pathways. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage enhance the process known a glutathione conjugation, in which the liver converts fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble stances that can be passed out through urine. Crucifers of all types also contain vital phytonutrients which aid the liver in neutralizing chemicals and drugs. For extra phytonutrients try a few servings of broccoli sprouts during your seven day prequel. This little-known food is the highest know source of that miraculous compound, which scientist at Johns Hopkins University identified as supporting antioxidants and essential cellular function. The detox process releases so many free radicals into your system. That means antioxidants are crucial form of liver support, and crucifers are an excellent source of the antioxidant vitamin.
- Green Leafy Vegetables and Herbs
- ½ cup cooked or 1 cup raw
Chlorophyll-rich greens are powerful blood purifiers and natural internal deodorizers. They’re also a great source of magnesium, one of the minerals that help the liver manufacture enzymes smoothly and efficiently. The bitter taste of greens as chard, kale stimulates digestive secretions and production of bile. Cilantro is a savory herb known in alternative medicine for its mercury-chelating properties.
- Citrus
- 1 orange or juice of ½ fresh lemon or lime
Oranges, lemons, and limes are full of vitamin C, perhaps the most liver-loving vitamin of them all. Vitamin C stimulates the production of glutathione, the liver’s premier antioxidant, which is crucial for a successful progression through the two-phase detox process. By stimulating glutathione, vitamin C also helps bind up heavy metals like mercury and cadmium and eliminate them from your body. Vitamin C is also essential for acetylation, the process whereby the body eliminates potentially toxic sulfa drugs.
TIP: squeeze lemon or lime juice into your daily dose of water, and try fresh lemon or lime juice to add some zing to your salads. You can also supplement with vitamin C.
- Sulfur-Rich Foods
- Garlic ( at least one love, minced, preferable raw), onions (1/2 cup cooked), eggs (2), daikon radish ( ¼ cup sliced, either raw or cooked)
One of the processes by which the liver eliminates toxins is known as sulfation—so called because sulfur is an indispensable part of the procedure. These sulfur-rich foods make toxins sassier to eliminate. Daikon radish goes a step further, it also aids in the digestion and metabolism of fats. Eggs are rich in the amino acids methionine, cysteine, glycine, glutamine, and taurine. You liver needs these acids (also found in whey) to successfully complete phase 2 of its detox process. And eggs offer the cholesterol your liver needs to produce that beautiful bile!
- Liver Healers
- Artichoke (one small or 4 cooked hearts), asparagus (1/2 cup cooked), beets (1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw), celery ( 2medium stalks), dandelion root tea (1 to 2 cups), whey (1 to 2 scoops), Nutritional yeast flakes (1 to 2 teaspoons)
Artichokes, especially the heart, contain powerful antioxidants known as flavonoids that protect the liver’s cell and tissue. Artichokes are also good for the secretion of bile, which, as we’ve seen, helps the body better digest and assimilate fats. The artichoke is a close relative of milk thistle, queen of the liver protectors, which offers major defense against free radicals. Asparagus contains high amounts of vitamin A and potassium another mineral on which the liver depends during detox. Beets are full of betaine, which helps protect the liver against the damaging effects of toxins. Betaine also thins the bile and helps it move freely within the bile ducts. Dandelion root stimulates liver function. It also contains inulin, a liver-like substance that functions as a prebiotic, and an element that helps nourish the friendly bacteria in the gut. Whey is a rich source of amino acid L-cysteine, which, like vitamin C., is a precursor to glutathione.
- Each day, choose at least two of the following Colon-caring foods
- Milled or ground flaxseeds (2 to 3 tablespoons), carrot (1 small raw), apple ( 1 small raw with skin), pear ( 1 small raw with skin), berries (1cup)
These foods contain both soluble and insoluble fiber which helps with gathering toxins and elimination.
- Each day, drink half your body weight in ounces of filtered or purified water.
- The many amazing health benefits from water are too numerous for me to go into here. I’ll just add that water helps detoxify your system by caring away waste products more efficiently and helping your liver, colon, and digestive system to do their jobs. Your blood is 82 percent water, and it needs a good volume of water to help it carry the toxins and waste products out. Our cells, too , need water to carry away their metabolic waste products.
- Each day , make sure you have at least two servings (the size of the palm of your hand) of protein in the form of lean beef, veal, lamb, skinless chicken, turkey, or fish.
- You probably already know you need protein for energy, muscle building, and many other vital functions----but did you know that protein is also crucial to the detox process? Protein activates the production of the enzymes that your detox system needs to break down toxins into water-soluble substances so they can be eliminated from the body.
- Each day, make sure you have 1 to 2 tablespoons of oil in the form of olive oil, flaxseed oil, or grape seed oil.
- You need oil to lubricate your intestines, helping your colon more easily pass all waste products and the toxins they carry out of your body. Flaxseed soil will also provide you with a healthy source of the fat-burning omega-3s. Grape seed oil provides a good source of omega 6s fatty acids, which will aid for beautiful skin.
Avoid the following Detox detractors
- Excess fat, especially trans fat from margarine and processed and fried foods
- Sugar and all its relatives, including high-fructose corn syrup, honey, molasses, maple syrup, sugar cane crystals, pure sugar cane juice, evaporated cane juice, dried cane juice, maltodextrin, and all products ending in “-ose” ( such as sucrose, dextrose, fructose, and levulose)
- Artificial sweeteners, including aspartame, sucralose or Splenda, and sugar alcohols such as maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol.
- Refined carbohydrates, including white rice and products made from white flour
- Gluten, found in wheat, rye, barley, and their products (including breads, pastas, crackers, and crusts), also found in many “low-carb”products ( such as packaged cereals, macaroni, and cheese, pizza dough mix, spaghetti, shells, tortillas, pancake/ and waffle mixes, and cookies) and vegetable proteins, modified food starch, some soy sauces, and distilled vinegars.
- Soy protein isolates, found in low-carb “energy ”bars and soy protein powders, and processed soy foods ( such as soy milk, soy cheese, soy ice cream, soy hotdogs, and soy burgers)
These Detox Detractors either lower enzyme activity during phase 1 and phase 2, interrupting the liver’s effort to transform toxins into nontoxic metabolites, or are linked to decreased absorption of necessary detox nutrients. There for you must avoid them during the seven days before you fast. NOT for life just during the detox!!
So basically you are eating lots of veggies, some fruit, meat, brown rice and oatmeal! SO start thinking of your meals for seven days. I do lots of my green smoothies!! And drink lots of water. You can experience detox effects like headache, muscle aches, and just plain not feeling well as your body lets go of toxins. This is normal!! Stick with it!! I have found that exercise; sweating and warm baths help this process move more quickly. Also, this is when the support system kicks in call a friend and vent your pain, it HELPS!!
Now your body is ready for the FAST.
When we begin to detoxify, whether through fasting or other means (such as phase 1), two simultaneous procedures begin. One take place on the cellular level, as each of our body’s cells get an opportunity to release any toxins it any hold. That’s why drinking lots of fluids is such an important part of any fast—it helps flush out these toxins as they are released into the bloodstream. At the same time, our organs have an extra chance to eliminate toxins stored inside the body but outside the cells. Fecal matter that has clogged the colon, for example, or mucus that has blocked the lungs, may be released. We may urinate or defecate more than usual or we may find ourselves sweating, coughing, or experiencing other symptoms of our body’s new determination to unload the poisons it has stored for so long. Although this so-called healing crisis can be uncomfortable for some people, good detox makes us feel better in the end. And no wonder! Our bodies are finally shedding the poisons that have clogged and overloaded them. To give some hope here is a list of things you can expect numerous physical, mental and spiritual benefits from undergoing an effective detox:
Increased energy anti-aging effects clear skin A cleaner personal space
Sharpened senses (vision, hearing, taste) self-confidence More restful sleep
Greater motivation and optimism A sense of personal beauty help in changing habits
Increased relaxation More creativity and inspiration fewer or less severe allergies
Improved mental and emotional clarity Improved personal organization Long term diet changes
My own experience with fasting has convinced me of the myriad benefits of this ancient tradition. Fasting serves as a kind of Sabbath on which I take a day of rest from eating but also from working—an essential aspect of healing for me. Fasting is my time to “be” instead of “do”, and I put all work and household chores aside to focus on contemplation and journal writing. I’ve noticed over the years how wonderfully a fast day helps me slow down, clarifying my thinking even as my thoughts become more peaceful. For me, a fast day is a time for reflection on all areas of my life, a time to connect with my inner self. I always end my fast feeling renewed, buoyed by the fresh sense of potential for my life. I fast once a month for spiritual reasons, but twice a year I include a detox with my fast for the added physical and mental clarity and it always improves my spiritual sensitivity as well.
This detox fast takes a full 24 hours!
The fast Track one-day detox miracle juice protocol
“Miracle Juice”
2 quarts cranberry water (recipe follows)
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground ginger
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
¾ cup freshly squeezed orange juice
¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
Stevia to taste (2 packets seems ideal)
Bring cranberry water to a light boil; reduce the heat to low. Place cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg into a tea ball; add to the cranberry water. (For a tangier juice, add the spices directly to the liquid.) Simmer 15 to 20 minutes; cool to room temperature. Stir in the orange and lemon juices. Add stevia at this time if desired.
Cranberry water recipe
To make 2 quarts (64 ounces), add 8 ounces unsweetened cranberry juice to 56 ounces filtered water OR 3 tablespoons unsweeted cranberry juice concentrate to 60 ounces of filtered water. Recommended brands of unsweeted cranberry juice are Lakewood 100% organic, Mountain Sun, Trader Joe’s, and Knudsen. Recommended brands of unsweetened cranberrjuice concentrate are Knudsen and Tree of Life. Be sure to look for juice that has no sugar, corn syrup, or their juices added, including apple or grape.
Alternate drinking one cup of filtered water and one cup of miracle juice during the day drink at least 72 ounces of filtered water throughout the day, in addition of the miracle Juice. Make sure you drink at least a cup of liquid either the miracle juice or water every hour.
Upon rising and at the end of the day take 1 serving of a colon-caring supplement, chosen from amount the following:
Powdered psyllium husks ( 1 to 2 teaspoons mixed in 8 ounces of water or miracle juice)
Ground or milled flaxseed ( 2 to 3 tablespoons mixed in 10 to 12 ounces of water or 8 ounces of miracle juice)
Three day sequel —seal in the results of your one-day fast with the eight simple steps
- Each day choose at least one prebiotic food source or supplement to restore friendly bacteria
- Beginning on day two, take 1 or more tablets of hydrochloric acid in a formula that contains at least 5oo to 550 mg of betaine hydrochloride with at least 130 mg of pepsin, and 50 mg of oxbile extract, before each meal.
- Each day, choose at least one liver love food from the same groups as listed above. Crucifers, Green Leafy vegetables and herbs, citrus, sufer-rich foods- liver healers.
- Each day, choose at least tow of the colon caring foods
- Each day drink half your body weight in ounces of filtered or purified water
- Each protein
- Avoid the detox detractors!!
There you have it!! Detox away!!
Symptoms that should improve from DETOX:
Allergy symptoms, including asthma, hives, rashes, and sinus congestion
Bone loss, even before menopause
Breast tenderness
Col hands and feet caused by thyroid dysfunction
Decreased sex drive
Dry eyes
Hair loss
Irregular menstrual periods
Depression accompanied by anxiety or agitation
Foggy thinking
Memory loss
Mood swings